Information Box Group

Getting to Campus Discover All the Ways to Get to Campus
Learn about all the ways you can get to campus.

Pay for Parking Parking Payment Information
Paying for daily, monthly, and special event parking.

Where to Park Find Where to Park
Find parking at all McMaster locations as staff/faculty, students, and visitors for all vehicle types.

All Maps Find All Maps Here
All maps about parking cars, bikes, scooters, and more.

Special Events Find Special Event Information Here
Request vouchers for special events and large groups.

FAQs Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions
Important Updates
Information Box Group
Holiday Shuttle Changes
We’re here to ensure you have a smooth ride during the holiday season! Please take note of the adjusted Winter Holiday Shuttle Schedule:
Campus Shuttle Service
- Until December 24th, 2024:
- All 3 campus shuttles will operate until 4:00 PM.
- From 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, one campus shuttle will remain in service.
10 Bay Shuttle Service
- Until December 24th, 2024:
- The last shuttle from campus to 10 Bay will depart at 4:00 PM.
Resumption of Regular Service
- January 6th, 2025: All shuttle services will return to their regular schedules.
We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season!
Winter Semester
Parking permits for the Winter semester – January to April – will be going on sale Thursday December 5th at 9:00am.
Parking services encourage you to purchase your permit promptly as parking permits are on a first come first serve basis and have traditionally sold out which causes a waitlist to accumulate.
Note that if you have an existing transponder your transponder will be attached automatically to your new winter semester permit, no need for you to come to the parking office it can all be done online.
If you do not have an existing transponder, you will be encouraged to pick up your transponder promptly after purchasing your permit online to secure your spot and avoid long wait times.
For further information please contact the parking office via email parking@mcmaster.ca
Honk Mobile Update in Lot G
As of September 12, 2024 Honk Mobile will be active in Lot G, Monday to Friday from 6:00pm until 6:30am and Saturday to Sunday during all operating hours.
All times outside of the listed hours require visitors to pull a parking ticket and pay to exit the lot.
Open Gates Survey: We Need Your Feedback! Complete survey here
Help us improve your parking experience! Please take a moment to complete our short survey about our summer open gates operations. Your input is valuable in shaping our future services.
Shuttle Bus Announcement
Beginning Thursday August 1st, 2024, shuttle bus services will change from Voyago Bus Lines to McMaster University’s new partner, Attridge Transportation Inc. What you need to know:
- The new service will temporarily use yellow school buses while the new buses are wrapped with McMaster branding.
- There will be no impacts on the service schedule or locations.
For more information about Campus Mac Transit bus services, visit the Shuttle Bus page.
New Parking Office Hours
As of July 22, 2024 the Parking Services office (T32) will operate between the hours of 9am-5pm.
Road Closure on Stearn Drive
Please be advised of an upcoming road closure on Stearn Drive:
- The closure will begin on Friday the 26th at 6 PM
- The IWC swing gate will be opened at 5:30 PM
2024 Student Parking Update
Returning Students (Lot M Permit Holders 2024/2025):
- Permit sales start on July 15, 2024.
- Previous transponders can be reactivated for Fall 2024; no need to purchase a new one.
New Students or Non-Previous Permit Holders (2024/2025):
- Lot M permits will be available starting July 15, 2024 at 9:00am.
- The monthly cost is $55, with an additional one-time fee of $55 for the transponder.
- Transponders can be purchased at the Parking Office in T32, Room 104, located on West Campus or purchased online.
- Transponders must be collected from the Parking Office. If purchased online, it can be picked up from the campus store.
- You can return your transponder after use to receive a $40 refund.
Information Box Group
Motorcycle Permits are waitlisted
Motorcycle permits are now wait listed. Please contact us at parking@mcmaster.ca to add your name to the wait list.
Staff Waitlists Are Now Open
Wait lists are now open for all staff to enter. Please login to your parking account to add yourselves to the Waitlist.
More News More News
For more News and Important Updates, explore the News Page.
Employee Spotlight
Information Box Group
Parking Services Employee Spotlight
This month, we are excited to highlight Poorvii, a dedicated member of our Parking Services team with a passion for solo travel and exploring diverse cultures. Poorvii thrives on meeting new people and embracing the unique experiences that come with her adventures around the globe.
Poorvii has been serving as a Parking Control Officer at McMaster for the past year. In her role, she ensures top-notch customer service by managing the intercom system and making sure every interaction is both positive and helpful. This position allows her to merge her love for engaging with new individuals and her commitment to delivering high-quality service to the McMaster community.
Poorvii is excited to continue growing her skills in customer service and communication, particularly in the field of parking management. She looks forward to contributing to the implementation of new technologies and strategies to make parking operations more efficient and effective at McMaster. Her ultimate goal is to make a meaningful impact on the team and the overall parking experience.
Recently, Poorvii has taken significant steps to optimize parking during busy events such as Fall Preview Day, helping to direct visitors to underutilized lots. This proactive strategy has resulted in a more even distribution of vehicles and increased customer satisfaction by providing more convenient parking options. Poorvii’s efforts have not only addressed immediate parking concerns but have also contributed to a smoother and more efficient parking experience for all.
We are proud of Poorvii’s dedication and are excited to see her continue to grow within our team. Keep up the great work, Poorvii!
What’s to Come
Information Box Group

McMaster Campus Plan Campus Plan
Exciting changes are coming to McMaster University with the new Campus Plan. The vision focuses on creating an attractive, welcoming, and sustainable environment. Key highlights include:
Stay tuned for updates and developments as we build a better campus for everyone.
For more details, visit the Campus Master Plan.
Changes We’ve Made
Information Box Group
Pedestrian Only Walkway
Starting September 2024, Scholars Road will be transformed into a pedestrian-only area. This change is part of our commitment to creating a safer, more walkable campus environment. Enjoy a greener, more connected McMaster University!
Bird Canada E-Scooters Find E-scooter Information Here
Bird e-scooters are now allowed on campus starting September 2024! This initiative aims to provide a convenient and eco-friendly transportation option for our community. Ride safely and enjoy the benefits of enhanced mobility across McMaster University.
For more information on Bird Canada Electric Scooters, visit our E-scooter page below.
Multimodal Transportation Lanes Proposed Multimodal Transporation Lanes Map
We’ve started planning the addition of multimodal transportation lanes on campus, with hopes to see them implemented in the fall of 2025. This initiative aims to enhance mobility options, making it easier and safer for everyone to navigate McMaster University.
Check out our plans using the link below!
Parking Information & Policy
Mission Statement
Parking Services strives to provide our University Community and visitors, with safe and well-maintained parking and transiting infrastructure. We are dedicated to courteous and helpful customer service through information resources, polite and knowledgeable staff, and convenient parking facilities. We encourage voluntary compliance.
We also encourage alternative means of transportation to preserve the environment. We have collaborative initiatives with the Office of Sustainability, such as go transit, and secure storage and bike locker rentals to meet storage needs for green transit users.
Parking Enforcement Policies
- It is a criminal offence to duplicate, counterfeit, alter, or otherwise use unauthorized parking permits and it is our policy that security services will proceed with criminal charges of fraud in these cases
- Transponders are not transferable between persons, except immediate family members and recorded carpools
- All vehicles displaying a permit must be registered to that permit with security and parking services
- Displaying a McMaster University permit on a vehicle that is not registered to the permit with parking services is subject to a $150.00 fine, tow away and immediate suspension of parking privileges for the driver of the vehicle and the owner of the permit
- Parking transponders and permits remain the property of McMaster University
- Do not loan your permit to other persons, or display your permit on unregistered vehicles under any circumstances
- Transponders and permits are the responsibility of the person they are registered to
- Lost or stolen transponders and permits are subject to a replacement fee of $55.00
- All vehicles parked on campus must adhere to all the campus rules and regulations
Parking Regulations:
Expandable List
- PARKING RULES and REGULATIONS ARE ALWAYS IN EFFECT. THIS INCLUDES PERIODS OF ORIENTATION, EXAMINATION AND RECESS. The primary objective of McMaster University’s Parking operations is to provide a service that best meets and exceeds the needs of the University Community. This service is available to patrons and visitors with reason to visit the University, not to the general public.
- McMaster University reserves the right to enforce general law at its discretion. This includes the Trespass to Property Act of Ontario and the City of Hamilton Private Parking By-law No. 01-220. The Rules of the Road as contained in the Highway Traffic Act will also, apply to the McMaster University campus, except where those rules conflict with by-laws or regulations of the University. In this case the conflicting by-law or regulation of the University shall govern.
- Failure to comply with McMaster University Traffic and Parking Rules and Regulations may result in fines, suspension and/or cancellation of parking privileges, as well as the tow away and storage of the vehicle at the owner’s risk and expense. Persons availing themselves of the University’s parking facilities must be in possession of a permit valid for both the date and designated lot. This may be an active monthly parking transponder, or a daily parking ticket received upon entry to the parking lot.
- The administration of Parking Services and related activities is the responsibility of the Director of Security and Parking Services.
- University parking facilities can be found on McMaster University Campus, and off site at the DBHSC, Ward Avenue and Ron Joyce Centre in Burlington.
- Designated parking lots can be identified by signs posted at the entrance to each lot. The core of the Central Campus is designated as a pedestrian priority area, and as such is closed to vehicular traffic. Emergency and authorized service vehicles are an exception, and are authorized to utilize this core. PARKING IS PERMITTED ONLY IN DESIGNATED AREAS. The University, having marked approved spaces, is under no obligation to mark all areas where parking is prohibited.
- The University reserves the right to reduce parking services in some designated parking areas for emergencies or special events. A permit holder may be required during such occasions to park in a different parking area than they are assigned to. On these occasions, as much advance notice will be given as is possible, and Security and Parking Services staff will make every effort to accommodate parking in other areas of campus.
- Permit holders unable to find space in their designated lot are asked to immediately notify and obtain instruction from the nearest Parking Control Officer, or from the Parking Office. “Help” buttons are available at all Pay Stations and automated gates, and will allow communication with parking staff.
- All vehicles must be properly aligned between yellow stall delineators (yellow lines between parking stalls and those at each end of concrete bumpers, where concrete bumpers exist). Violation of this is grounds for a $30.00 fine. The fact that other vehicles are parked improperly will not constitute a valid basis for appeal.
- Should a motor vehicle break down in a lot other than that which a valid permit is designated, the daily parking fee will apply and a daily permit must be purchased for the duration of the vehicle’s stay. Notes placed on a vehicle will not be accepted in lieu of a valid parking permit.
- West Campus parking lots (Lot M, N, O, and P) are under 24 hour TV surveillance, and are kept fully illuminated during the dark hours. These lots are served by a shuttle bus, which brings patrons back and forth from the University’s main campus. This service runs from 6:30a.m. until 11:00p.m., from Monday to Thursday at intervals of ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes depending upon considerations such as volume and weather. Service is reduced on Fridays and during the summer session
- Transponder: A RF (Radio Frequency) device that allows access and exit to and from gated parking lots. The transponder may only be used in vehicles that have been pre-registered on the parking permit application. Parking is available, according to the parking lot allocation policy, to faculty, staff, students, and external agencies on campus. The cost per transponder is $55.00.
- Lost or Stolen Transponder: This includes transponders that are lost, stolen, or are left in a vehicle that is sold, traded, or damaged. The replacement cost is $55.00.
- Defective Transponder: Transponders that are not functioning properly. Transponders that are damaged due to intentional misuse have a replacement cost of $55.00. Otherwise, the defective transponder will be replaced by Parking Services at no cost.
- Parking Permit: A transponder that allows access to, and exit from parking lots. It is available in accordance with the parking lot allocation policy to faculty, staff, students, and external agencies on campus. Parking services will issue only one permit per applicant; however, secondary transponders may be purchased for secondary vehicles registered under the same permit. The permit may only be used for family owned vehicles that have been pre-registered on the parking application. Persons obtaining a McMaster parking permit (including temporary permits), are permitted to park only one vehicle on campus at any one time. Parking permits will require the purchase and continual use of a transponder, as indicated above, in order to grant access to the allocated parking lot(s).
- Hangtag: A decal with the lot identifier, serial number and expiry date issued by McMaster Parking Services. The hangtag may only be used in vehicles that have been pre-registered on the parking permit application. The Hangtag must be displayed on the rear-view mirror with the lot identifier, serial number and expiry date, facing the windshield. Once the hangtag has expired it must be removed from the rear-view mirror. Parking is available, according to the parking lot allocation policy, to faculty, staff, students, and external agencies on campus.
- Permanent faculty or staff may apply for parking in any parking lot (except for Divinity College), subject to availability of lot.
- Contract and Part-time faculty and staff may apply for parking in Lots N, O, P, and Stadium, subject to availability.
- Undergraduate and graduate students may apply for parking in Lot M subject to availability.
- Persons with a disability may apply for parking, and have access to, all parking lots and all designated accessible parking spaces (except for Divinity College, unless authorized). A valid Ministry of Transportation Accessible Parking Permit is required.
- Retired faculty and staff from the University are entitled to no charge parking. Parking is authorized according to retirement date from the University.
- External agencies or commercial contractors conducting business on campus may apply for a commercial permit. This requires written approval from a McMaster University project manager and/or supervisor, to be reviewed by Parking Services. Without written approval, external agencies and contractors may apply for parking in Lot P and Ward Avenue subject to availability.
- A waitlist is a system of allocating parking for lots that are currently oversubscribed. For McMaster staff/ faculty, parking lot waitlists are based on date of request. Requests to be put on a waitlist must be in writing and submitted to Parking Services.
- Faculty or staff members who pay for parking via bi-weekly payroll deductions must notify Parking Services, in writing, to discontinue parking deductions. This can be done in the event of research leave or a University authorized leave of absence. Failure to do so will result in the collection of parking deduction arrears. Upon return, parking may be purchased in the same lot held prior to the cancellation of parking.
- Seasonal staff employed for the eight-month academic year who pay for parking via payroll deductions must notify Parking Services, in writing, to discontinue parking deductions. Failure to do so will result in the collection of parking deduction arrears. Upon return, parking may be purchased in the same lot held prior to the cancellation of parking.
- Parking fees remain in place for vacations, and refunds will not be given on these occasions. Payroll deductions cannot be discontinued for vacations.
- Refunding a Parking Permit – Parking fees for current and remaining months will be refunded only if cancelled within the first 2 business days of the current month (Business day is defined as Monday to Friday 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.). After the first 2 business days have elapsed, only the following, unused months will be refunded. NO REFUND is available on annual motorcycle permits.
- Carpool Permit: Two or more applicants, travelling to and from the University at one time, may be eligible to apply for a carpool permit. Persons registered as traveling in a carpool may use the carpool permit to park one of their vehicles at a time in the designated parking lot. Each driver must complete a carpool application and agreement form, identifying their carpool partner(s). Carpooling is only recognized by Security and Parking Services if formally preregistered. If a carpool dissolves, all members must return to their original parking lot.
- Lot A and Q – No carpool applications permitted.
- Lots B, C, E, G, H, I, K, M and L – At least one applicant MUST have an existing parking permit for one of these parking lots to be eligible to carpool in these lots.
- Shift Permit: The shift permit are issued to McMaster employees who have a valid permit for Lot M,N,O or P and work shifts that extend outside the shuttle bus hours of operation (6:30a.m. to 11:00p.m.). The application form must be filled out and signed by the applicant’s direct supervisor. The shift permit authorizes parking in lots B, C, D, E, G, H, I, after 1:30pm, Monday to Friday. Shift permits do not allow parking in the Divinity College parking lot (Lot A), Stadium Underground an Wilson Underground.
- Evening Parking Permit: Parking is available for parking after 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday and all day on Saturdays and Sundays, and on Statutory Holidays on Main Campus, with the exception of Lot A, Stadium Underground and Wilson Underground.
- Accommodation Permit: A medical permit is available to any person who requires parking accommodations for a period of eight months or less. A McMaster University parking accommodation form must be completed and submitted to the Parking Services. A temporary ministry of transportation accessible parking permit will also be accepted. Allocation of temporary accommodation permit will be issued and assigned in one of the upper campus parking lots (B, C, D, G, H, or Stadium) depending on the most convenient option for applicant, and subject to availability.
- Main Campus Permits: Between the hours of 7:30a.m.and 4:30p.m., Monday through Friday, the permit authorizes parking only in the designated lot assigned to the permit. It does not authorize parking in any other space. However, after 4:30p.m.and until 7:30a.m. the following weekday, and all day Saturday and Sunday, the permit holder may use any area designated for parking except for Divinity College, Stadium Underground, Wilson Underground and short term parking lots J, F and Q.
- West Campus Permits: Between the hours of 7:30a.m. and 7:30p.m., Monday through Friday, the permit authorizes parking in the designated lot assigned to the permit. However, after 4:30p.m. and until 7:30a.m, the following weekday, (Monday to Friday) and all day Saturday and Sunday, the permit holder may use any parking lot designated for parking such as B, C, D, H, I and Stadium Underground after 4:30pm , except for Divinity College, Wilson Underground and short term parking lots J, F and Q.
- Retired faculty and staff from the University are entitled to no charge parking. Parking is authorized according to retirement date from the University and it is renewed annually.
- Accessible Permit: Available to anyone who has a valid Ministry of Transportation Accessible Parking Permit. Parking is authorized in designated accessible parking spaces located on campus in gated lots and short term meter parking areas, with the exception of Lot A (unless authorized).
- Parking areas can be identified by signs posted at the entrance to each lot. The core of the Central Campus is designated as a pedestrian priority area and, as such, is closed to vehicular traffic except for emergency and authorized service vehicles. PARKING IS PERMITTED ONLY IN DESIGNATED AREAS. The University, having marked approved spaces, is under no obligation to mark all areas where parking is prohibited.
- Daily Visitor Parking: Is available to visitors to the University. An entry ticket is acquired when parking in a gated lot. Payment for parking is to be made at the Pay Station prior to exiting the lot. Rates are posted at the Pay Stations.
- Daily Visitor Parking: Is available to visitors to the University. An entry ticket is acquired when parking in a gated lot. Payment for parking is to be made at the Pay Station prior to exiting the lot. Rates are posted at the Pay Stations.
- Accessible Visitor Parking: Is available in any of the designated accessible parking spaces on campus, upon paying the required fee.
- All vehicles must display the Ontario accessible parking placard as well as the daily parking receipt issued. The Accessibility Parking Rate is posted at the Meters and the Pay Stations.
- Driver must have MTO (Ministry of Transportation) Permit Number available, and push the “Help” Button at the pay station to speak to an attendant.
- Picking up or dropping off passengers in any way that requires the driver to leave the vehicle; parking must either be paid for in short term meter parking, or the vehicle must be parked within a gated parking lot. There is a 15 minute no charge grace period for entry/exit in all gated lots.
- Use of four-way flashers is not recognized as temporary permission to leave a vehicle unattended.
- Any abuse of our staff in any medium and format will result in the suspension of your parking privileges. No refund will be provided for parking fees covering period of suspension.
- Transponders and/or hangtags are not to be loaned to other persons, or displayed on an unregistered vehicle.
- Transponders and hangtags are issued as physical evidence of a discrete contract, for display when entering and exiting parking lots on campus.
- Transponders and hangtags remain the property of the University and may be cancelled, with parking privileges revoked at any time by the University.
- Transponders are not transferable between persons, except immediate family members and authorized carpools.
- All vehicles displaying a transponder or hangtag permit must be registered under this permit with Parking Services. Displaying a McMaster University hangtag or transponder on a vehicle that is not registered to the permit with Parking Services is subject to a $150.00 fine, tow – away and immediate suspension of parking privileges.
- Parking Services requires that applicants show their University identification card.
- Applicants may also be asked to show vehicle registration certificates.
- The University, through its system of lot allocation, attempts to meet the needs of authorized users. The responsibility of finding a parking space in an authorized area rests with the vehicle operator.
- The University assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents, however caused.
- The University assumes no responsibility for personal injury, however caused.
- Parking Services will not issue a parking transponder/permit to a driver whose parking is suspended, who has outstanding fines, or for a vehicle against which there are outstanding parking permits and/or traffic violations.
- Any abuse of our staff in any medium and format will result in the suspension of your parking privileges. No refund will be provided for parking fees covering period of suspension.
- It is a criminal offence to duplicate, counterfeit or alter a parking permit, or to use an unauthorized parking transponder. It is policy that Security Services will precede with criminal charges of fraud. Non-enforcement of any regulation in any one instance should not be interpreted as a waiver for the future. Offences are enforced by parking control officers and special constables. Violations, fines and penalties can apply to the driver or owner of the vehicle on McMaster property, where the identity of the driver or owner of the vehicle is unknown, notices of fines, citations or penalties will be sent to the registered owner.
- Failure to comply with the McMaster University Traffic and Parking Regulations can result in fines, tow – away and storage of the vehicle at the owner’s risk and expense, and/or cancellation of parking privileges.
- Upon issue of a citation, the vehicle may be towed. Parking privileges may be suspended. Suspension will only be lifted upon successful appeal.
All fines have been approved by the Board of Governors. Offences will carry an additional $25.00 administration fee if the fine or citation for an offence has not been paid or appealed within 10 working days.
Additional Fees
- Citations include an additional $25.00 administration fee if the citation for an offence has not been paid and/or appealed within 10 working days (working day is defined as Monday to Friday 9a.m. to 4p.m.)
- If a vehicle not registered in McMaster Parking Services system and carries an outstanding balance, a Ministry of Transportation (MTO) search is required to identify the registered owner of the vehicle. The cost for this search is $25.00 and will be recovered from the registered owner/driver of the vehicle.
- All outstanding parking fines, fees, and interest acquired, will remain a debt to McMaster University until paid in full.
- To ignore a citation will result in further fines and fees, the suspension of McMaster University Parking privileges, the tow- away of vehicle, and prosecution under the Trespass to Property Act of Ontario.
- All returned cheques will be subject to an administration fee of $50.00.
Suspension of parking privileges
- The suspension of parking privileges applies to all vehicles of the same address and/or owner (as registered with the MTO as the suspended driver. Suspended vehicles are not allowed to enter or park on the McMaster campus for any reason. Suspended vehicles found on campus will be towed away at the owner’s expense and are subject to additional fines and fees. No refunds will be provided for parking fees covering period of suspension.
- Parking privileges may be cancelled for any of the following reasons:
- Non-payment of outstanding fines, parking charges or parking permits.
- Repeat citations or obvious disregard of regulations.
- Supplying Parking Services with false information to obtain parking privileges.
- Misuse of a transponder and/or permit.
- Using an altered, duplicated or otherwise unauthorized transponder and/or permit.
- Circumvention of parking control equipment, tailgating, manipulation of gate and gate system and failure to make payment for parking.
- Any abuse of our staff in any medium and format will result in the suspension of your parking privileges. No refund will be provided for parking fees covering period of suspension.
Reinstatement of parking privileges
- Reinstatement of parking privileges for suspension as outlined in 9.01, not including outstanding fine balances, must be applied for in writing. Security and Parking Services shall reinstate parking privileges provided that.
- The $30.00 reinstatement fee has been paid.
- The Thirty Day Suspension time period has lapsed.
- All requirements for reinstatement as determined by Security and Parking Services and the Appeals Board have been met and all outstanding fines and fees have been paid.
In addition to citation and/or fee, a vehicle may be towed away and stored at the owner’s expense if parked in violation of the Traffic and Parking Rules and Regulations, or if it falls into one of the following categories:
- Obstructing traffic flow, parking maintenance, or snow removal.
- Violating a Pedestrian or Emergency Area.
- Nuisance vehicle, outstanding balance owing or vehicle under suspension.
- Displaying a suspended, lost, stolen or invalid parking transponder and/or permit.
- Parking on the campus road or walkway system, in loading areas, or on landscaped areas.
- Deemed to be an abandoned vehicle.
- Parking in a accessible parking space with no valid MTO accessible permit displayed.
- A vehicle will be towed if parked with a designated construction zone, blocking other parked vehicles and/or inhibiting other vehicles from exiting.
- A vehicle will be towed if the vehicle is parked without a visible license plate marker.
Appeals can be submitted online at McMaster University Parking Online Sales.
- A successful appeal will be considered on the following grounds:
- Proof of payment.
- Medical emergency providing support documentation.
- First time offence.
- Violation was issued contrary to Parking Rules and Regulation.
- It will be the responsibility of every permit holder and visitor to make themselves aware of the Parking Rules and Regulations. All the Rules & Regulations are available on the McMaster University Parking Regulations
- Appeals will NOT be considered for the following reasons:
- Failure to obey all regulatory signs, such as no stopping, no parking, do not enter and fire route.
- Exceeding posted speed limits.
- Blocking or obstructing of a roadway, traffic flow, on sidewalks, in front of fire hydrants, building entrances or exits.
- Leaving vehicle unattended without valid parking permit (Leaving four-way flashers on is not adequate replacement for purchasing parking permit.)
- Supplying false information for the purchase of a parking permit.
- Parking in a designated area such as accessible parking space (without valid MTO accessible permit), a reserved 24 hours space, daycare lot and areas marked by other “No Parking” or “No Stopping” signs.
- Failure to make payment for parking at short term meter parking areas or exceeding maximum stay time.
- Failure to align within yellow parking lines.
- An appellant’s name, mailing address, email address, McMaster University Identification Number (McMaster I.D.), citation number (found on citation), transponder number and/or permit number, and any other pertinent information must be included with the notice of appeal.
- An appeal shall be subject to review by Security and Parking Services for comment.
- Ignorance of the McMaster University Traffic and Parking Rules and Regulations does not constitute grounds for an appeal.
Parking Services is committed to providing any assistance that will reduce citations, and will facilitate the use of the parking service.
PARKING SERVICES/OPERATIONS – The Parking Office, located in the T32 room 106, is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, and carries the overall responsibility for dealing with parking matters. Parking Office personnel are there to assist users.
- Parking Administration Office (905) 525-9140 ext. 24232
- Parking Operations Office (905) 525-9140 ext. 27672
All Pay Stations as well as entry/ exit gates of parking lots are equipped with an intercom system to assist with parking issues or concerns.
SECURITY SERVICES – The Security Office is located in the E.T. Clarke Centre. An intercom system is available in the main lobby of the Security and Parking Services building for Lost and Found assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Maximum speed limit on campus is 40 km/h (20 km/h where posted).
- Speed limit is radar enforced.
- The University assumes no responsibility for personal injury however caused while parking on campus.
- All vehicles and contents are on campus at the risk of the owner.
Parking your car
- Lock all doors and close all windows.
- Keep all property secure and out of sight (the trunk is best.)
- Park in well lit areas or near pedestrian traffic areas.
- Use multiple anti-theft devices (alarm or steering wheel locks.)
- Do not hide spare keys on your vehicle.
- Keep your license, registration and insurance card in your wallet.
Walking to your car
- Walk to your vehicle with keys in your hand.
- Use McMaster University Student Walk Home Attendant Team to walk with you to your car.
- Walk in groups.
- Plan your route and avoid shortcuts through dark untraveled areas.
- Be alert and walk with confidence.
- Wear comfortable footwear which would permit you to run.
- Know the location of campus emergency phones.
- Check inside your vehicle before entering.
- Only unlock the driver’s door once you are at your vehicle.
- If you think you are being followed, go to the nearest public place.
- Lock vehicle doors once inside your car.
Safety in your car
- Let people know where you will be and what time to expect you.
- Keep your doors locked while driving.
- If you are being followed, drive to the nearest police station.
- Keep your vehicle mechanically fit.
- Fill up when you get to a 1/2 tank of gas.
- Only roll down your window enough to be heard by strangers.
Citations & Payments
Expandable List
Failure to comply with the McMaster University Traffic and Parking Regulations can result in fines and/or tow away and storage of the vehicle at the owner’s risk and expense and/or cancellation of parking privileges. Offences are enforced by Parking Control Officers and Special Constables. Violations, fines and penalties can apply to the driver or owner of the vehicle on McMaster property. Where the identity of the driver of a vehicle is unknown, notices of fines, citations or penalties notices will be sent to the registered owner.
All fines have been approved by the Board of Governors.
NOTE: Offences will carry an additional $25.00 administration fee if the fine or citation for an offence has not been paid or appealed within 10 working days.
Locking a bike to non-approved device |
Fine & Impound
Parking in an area which is not designated as a parking area |
Fine & Tow
Parking in a parking area without a permit valid for that area and date |
Fine Only
Failure to align between parking lines |
Fine Only
Failure to squarely face entire concrete bumper |
Fine Only
Failure to obey regulatory signs |
Fine Only
Driving on other than campus roadways, driving on pedestrian walkways/sidewalks and grass areas |
Fine Only
Failure to yield right of way to pedestrians |
Fine Only
Contravention of the rules of the road |
Fine Only
Unauthorized use of a carpool space or permit |
Fine Only
Exceeding posted speed limit |
Fine Only
Failure to obey the directions of a member of the University staff when engaged in controlling traffic or parking |
Fine Only
Unauthorized use of the pedestrian zone |
Fine Only
Blocking or obstructing roadway, traffic sidewalk, fire hydrant building entrance or exit |
Fine & Tow
Supplying false information for a permit |
Fine & Tow & Suspend*
Parking in a designated Disabled Area |
Fine & Tow
Using an altered, or duplicated permit, or use of a permit by an unauthorized and/or suspended person or in an unauthorized or suspended vehicle |
$ 150.00
Fine & Tow & Suspend*
Circumvention of parking control equipment, tailgating, manipulation of gate and gate system, failure to make payment for parking. |
Fine and 30 day Suspension*
* NOTE: Upon issue of this citation, the vehicle may be towed. Parking privileges will be suspended. Suspension will only be lifted upon successful appeal.
If a citation tag requires a search from the Ministry of Transportation to identify the registered owner, the costs charged will be recovered from the registered owner/driver of the vehicle for the amount of $25.00.
All outstanding parking fines, fees and interest incurred will remain a debt to McMaster University until Paid in full.
Disregard of citation may result in further fines and fees, the suspension of University Parking privileges, the tow away of vehicle and prosecution under the Trespass to Property Act of Ontario.
All returned cheques will be subject to an administration fee of $50.00.
In addition to any other penalty, a vehicle may be towed away and stored at the owner’s expense if it is parked in violation of the Traffic and Parking Regulations or if it falls into one of the following categories
- Obstructing traffic flow, parking maintenance or snow removal.
- Violating a Pedestrian or Emergency Area.
- Creating a nuisance or safety hazard.
- Known to be a repeat offender (nuisance vehicle) or under suspension.
- Displaying a suspended, lost, stolen or invalid parking transponder and/or permit.
- Parking on the campus road or walkway system, in loading areas, or on landscaped areas.
- Deemed to be abandoned vehicle.
- Parking in a disabled parking area without a valid MTO disabled permit.
Suspension of parking privileges applies to all vehicles of the same address and/or owner (as registered with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation) as the suspended driver. Suspended vehicles are not allowed to enter or park on McMaster campus for any reason. Suspended vehicles found on campus will be towed away at the owner’s expense and are subject to additional fines and fees.
IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENCE TO DUPLICATE, COUNTERFEIT, ALTER OR OTHERWISE USE UNAUTHORIZED PARKING TRANSPONDERS. It is policy that Security Services will proceed with criminal charges of fraud.
- non-payment of fines, parking charges or parking permits.
- repeat citations or obvious disregard of regulations.
- supplying false information to obtain parking privileges.
- misuse of a transponder and/or permit.
- using altered, duplicated or otherwise unauthorized permit.
Non-enforcement of any regulation in any one instance will not be interpreted as a waiver for the future.
Suspended for reasons other than outstanding fines must be applied for in writing. Security and Parking Services shall reinstate parking privileges provided that:
- The $30.00 reinstatement fee has been paid.
- The period of Suspension time has lapsed based on the Appeals Board decision.
- All requirements for reinstatement as determined by Security and Parking Services and the Appeals Board have been met.
- All outstanding fines and fees have been paid.
Ticket payments can be made online using our McMaster Parking Online Sales.
Alternatively, you can choose to mail your payment please send a cheque made payable to Mcmaster University and reference the ticket/transaction number.
Security & Parking Services
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
T32, Room 106
Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1